The last couple of weeks have been enjoyable mostly because i had no work, i had no worries about being unemployed, i had a few friends to bum around with at any time of day or night and of course, i had my fair supply of booze. Lazed around, watched TV, lazed around, had lunch, lazed around, listened to music, and lazed around some more. This was on days when i actually woke up before lunch.
I've been wanting to do a night trek up a scenic hill (well the scenic part kicks in at the top) for a while now and finally got around to doing it a few days ago . The hill is called Skandagiri and im sure you'l find a lot of info about the place online if you're really interested. Honestly, i've never walked so much ever. There's some jackass who mentions in his blog that the trek level is "moderate". Well it is moderate if you are hmmm... er.. an ASS!! I cant wait to get my hands on that clown. Grrr!!! Anyways... we made it to the top after much huffing and panting and lots of advice from two mountain people. Mountain people?? you ask... Bhutanese. "Dont sit down" , "dont drink too much water", "dont let your body cool down" etc etc... Utsav im sure you meant well and now im gonna tell you this the nicest way i can, next time we do this (if we do it again) PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
The only thing i still havent been able to do is take a really long drive or ride out of the city. Drive may not be possible because of financial constraints and secondly that damn car of mine broke down for the hundreth time yesterday. No, thank you very much!! The ride on the other had seems more do-able. I still have a fews days on my vacation so maybe i can pull it off. Wait and watch.
Last but not least i wanted to set a few things right with an ex-girlfriend. Dint quite work out the way i wanted it to. Now i have no clue where she is, no way to contact her. I made my girlfriend(she wasnt ex then) disappear!!! Now is that a cool trick to learn or what!
You flatlanders got totally pwned by a frail looking girl up a hillside. Say what you want, but "hyuk, hyuk, hyuk....!!" Few things please me more. And I know how your stamina building midnight runs are going to end- can't be too long before the dogs find out where you live, can it?
And yeah, the make-the-woman-disappear trick, I invented it! Works pretty much on any member of the female populace. Results proven.
We're going back to see the sunrise in Jan, aren't we?
Screw the dogs!! Midnight runs have come to a temporary (I'd like to believe its temporary) stop because my body aint willing to forget all the abuse i'v put it thru over the years. This morn i get up, swing my legs over, plant them on the ground, get my butt off the bed and voila, introduce my face to the ground. My legs just buckled under!!!
And yeah we sure are getting back in jan. More female company this time round. PLease!!
Ha ha ha!! Man this is good! Once again, was the ground friends with your face??
Female company? Yeah if they haven't disappeared due to proximity to me already.
PS: More hahaha about the morning!
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