
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Are we at the end?

25th July- Bangalore- Between 1:30pm and 3:00pm- 8 bombs go off. 1 dead, a dozen injured, thousands of rumours, vehicular movement at a standstill.

26th July- Ahmedabad- Upto 17 bombs detonate between 6:45pm and 9:00pm-Around 10 dead and several injured.

27th July- 12:07 in the afternoon. So far so good.

My blog seems to be a lot about deaths and the things you learn about people after they are no more. The last month and a half have been kinda hard on this front. Close friends, parents of even closer friends, uncles and aunts seem to be heaven bound. All this has been so sudden and unexpected that i wondered if doomsday could be upon on. Very stupid i know but you need to be in a situation like i am in to understand this.

So as i lay thinking about the end of the world, the Earth was facing destruction by the Vogon Constructor Fleets (Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy). This was an unfortunate coincidence.
An article my friend read out to me from a newspaper came to mind. The world would come to an end in 2012. I did some research on this and apparently according to the Mayan calender we are staring the Apocalypse in the face.

I found quite a few interesting videos on YouTube. Here is one that is surely worth a watch.

After seeing the video i expected to be jolted back to reality but surprising i felt a calm i havent felt in months. The world's gonna end!!! Yeah, so? I now do believe that the world is gonna end sometime soon, call me a fool, call me a believer of blind faith.. it doesnt matter.

The world is not going to end because of a natural disaster as most believe or even the Vogon Constructor Fleets. If its going to end its probably because of some idiot screaming obscenities at another idiot's mother or religion causing the second idiot to unload some nuclear material on the first idiot's ass.

So the message is simple. Rock on!!!


Utsav said...

You know my take on this- 2012 is way too far off. At the rate the world is going, we’ll be lucky to survive another year. Maybe God’s just planning to hit the REBOOT button on His console and get a few things right the next time around.
Know any guys named Noah??

Utsav said...

PS: Love the ('idiotic'?) update!

Praveen Pani said...

ha ha ha... thank you thank you!!